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Here are 5 Healthy Light Exercises

sport This does not require tools or excess facilities, this sport if done regularly can shape and nourish the body.

1. Push Up

This exercise if done regularly can shape and nourish the body 5 Healthy Mild Sports

Push up is a sport to hold the body or body using hands this sport strengthens the arms and stamina of the athletes to be strong in the face of energy that requires hands, if you often train these arm muscles with push ups you can strengthen your arms and even you can lift your own body depending on your weight. how big is your body? This exercise can be done anywhere at home in a room in the office anywhere, it's really easy it only requires space the size of your body.

2.Sit Up

This exercise if done regularly can shape and nourish the body 5 Healthy Mild Sports

Sit ups are exercises to strengthen your stomach, with this exercise you are able to make your body into a sixpack .. wow! Capricornus with a fluffy stomach is able to lose weight with frequent sit -ups. With this exercise you will have a beautiful stomach and okay breathing, because with this exercise it does not exclusively also control your breathing.

3. Run

This exercise if done regularly can shape and nourish the body 5 Healthy Mild Sports

Running is defined as the fastest way for animals and humans to move on their feet. It is defined in sporting terms as a body movement (gait) in which at one time all feet do not touch the ground. Running is a form of aerobic exercise and aerobic exercise.

With this running sport you can strengthen your breathing, your endurance, even your calves and thighs. For this run, it is suitable for those of you who have a hobby that requires leg strength. With this run you are able to eliminate minor ailments that come from your laziness.

Oh yes, running is a fun sport, because normally we almost always run. This sport can be accompanied by the right music to cool your heart.

4. Pull Up

This exercise if done regularly can shape and nourish the body 5 Healthy Mild Sports

Pull up is a sport to lift the weight of the body, this sport is like push ups because it strengthens your hands. Even it can quickly strengthen your arm muscles, but pull ups are one simple exercise that is enough to make you sweat and quite tired.

5.Skot Jump

This exercise if done regularly can shape and nourish the body 5 Healthy Mild Sports

Scot Jump is a sport to strengthen your legs and thighs. Like running, the Scot Jump strengthens your legs and thighs. But the scot jump is more tiring than running, because the scot jump is an activity to hold our bodies and throw our bodies (jumping) with the energy we have.

so scot jump is also able to increase or strengthen the energy you have.

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