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What is the definition of a neuron

Neurons are very special cells that are able to digest information in the form of neurotransmitters, chemical signals that can cause various activities or responses. These cells operate in a binary way: Whether they are on or off, depends on the neurotransmitter that has been received. They are the constituents of the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, nerves and body.

are highly specialized cells that are able to digest information in the form of neurotransmitters. What is a neuron?

There are all kinds of these cells, and they're designed for specific activities, from cells clumping together to create brain dust to motor neurons in the tips of your toes.

Each neuron cell has a body called a soma, which contains a number of organelles, along with dendrites, extensions that can receive information as it is transmitted to the cell. Type I neurons – have axons that are long tails that are able to emit neurotransmitters when the cell is energized, while type II cells lack this feature, or have significantly shorter axons. Axons and dendrites may arise from opposite ends of the cell body, or at the same end, depending on the type of neuron and its location.

The three main types are motor neurons, sensory neurons, and interneurons. A motor neuron carries data from the central nervous system to the rest of the body, while a sensory neuron returns sensory data along afferent pathways, which means they transmit information to the brain. Interneurons are capable of allowing motor neurons and sensory neurons to communicate directly.

In basic categories, cells can also be classified according to form and function. Some of the Special Type patterns are pyramidal, basket, anterior horn, intermediate spikes, round, and Renshaw cells. These cells can be found in various parts of the nervous system, carrying out opposite functions, from breathing and regulating other autonomic roles to interpreting visual information. When a person reads, for example, sensory neurons in several areas of the brain interpret visual images of pen strokes, written words and convert them to understandable language.

Surprisingly, neurons don't divide and replicate the same way other cell bodies can. Those in the brain cannot change or repair themselves when they are damaged.

Some cells, such as those found in the arm, are able to regrow on their own, all of which are severely injured causing loss of return. Sometimes the nerves recover slowly.

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