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How to whiten armpits naturally

Black underarms can make us insecure. Although no one sees it, but having bright armpits is certainly the dream of many people.

but having bright armpits is certainly the dream of many people How to whiten armpits naturally

There are various ways to whiten when, one of the easiest is to use the natural way. Come on, see how to whiten armpits naturally below!

Causes of Black Underarms

Before knowing how to whiten dark armpits, you should know in advance the various causes when they turn black. If you do how to whiten your armpits without knowing the cause, then chances are your armpits can turn black again soon. Here are some of the most common causes of dark underarms:

1. Irritation

The first cause of dark underarms is irritation of the armpit skin. The causes of irritation themselves can vary from the use of imperfect products, tight clothing, to the habit of scratching the armpits. If you want to avoid irritation, you should pay attention to the clothes and products you use.

2. Buildup of dead skin cells

The next cause of dark underarms is due to the buildup of dead skin cells. The accumulation of dead skin cells in any part of the skin can make the skin look darker. Therefore, it is very important to regularly exfoliate the skin to prevent the buildup of dead skin cells.

3. Hormone influence

Dark underarms can also be caused by the effects of hormones. For example, what happened to pregnant women. The increase in the hormone estrogen can also trigger artificial melanocytes so that skin hyperpigmentation occurs.

4. Certain health conditions

In addition to the three causes above, dark underarms can also be caused by certain health conditions. Conditions such as hyperpigmentation from tobacco smoking, bacterial abscesses, or other skin disorders that trigger hyperpigmentation can cause dark underarms.

How to whiten armpits naturally

Actually there are many armpit whitening products on the market, but if there is a natural way that is easier and certainly economical, of course there is no harm in trying, right? Here are some ways to whiten underarms that you can try at home!

1. Lemon or lime

Lemon is one of the natural skin lightening agents that has no doubt about its benefits. The high content of vitamin C in lemons and limes has a brightening function. In addition, lemon can also help remove dead skin cells. This ability is what makes lemon one of the most popular ways to whiten underarms.

Lemon is indeed effective for brightening, but it should be recognized that lemon is not suitable for use by owners of dry and sensitive skin. Be careful using lemon so as not to irritate the skin.

2. Potato

The second way to naturally whiten armpits is to use potatoes. Just like lemons, potatoes are also able to help remove dead skin cells in the armpits. How to whiten dark underarms with potatoes is really easy, you can apply the slices of the tint to the armpits for a few minutes. Another way is to make grated potatoes as a scrub.

3. Cucumber

The third way to whiten armpits is to use cucumber. This fruit is known for its benefits to brighten the skin from the face, groin, to the armpits. Besides being able to brighten, applying cucumber is also able to make the skin fresher.

How to whiten armpits with cucumber is the same as using potatoes, which can be cut or crushed before being applied to the armpits. Use this cucumber mask for dark underarms for about 10 minutes before rinsing with clean water.

4. Turmeric

You can also use turmeric as a way to whiten underarms. In addition to having a whitening effect, turmeric also has antibacterial properties so that it can help relieve unpleasant odors in the armpits. To make it easier, use turmeric extract in the form of ash to be used as a mask.

Mix turmeric dust with lemon juice to taste, then apply it all over the armpits. Leave it for 15-30 minutes or until it dries, then rinse with clean water. Just like how to whiten underarms with lemon, this method may cause dry skin.

5. Sugar and coconut oil

Sugar is one of the most commonly used natural ingredients for exfoliating the skin. While coconut oil has the ability to moisturize the skin. The mixture of these two natural ingredients can be the perfect option to help whiten underarms.

Mix a spoonful of sugar with enough coconut oil, then rub gently on both armpits for a few minutes, it doesn't take too long because it can cause irritation. After finishing scrubbing, let the scrub sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off with clean water.

In addition to using coconut oil, you can also use olive oil which has similar benefits.

6. Tawas

Alum is a substance used in the water purification process. It should be recognized that alum has also been used for a long time to treat underarm problems such as body odor and dark underarms. Alum can be used as a deodorant to prevent excessive sweating in the armpits.

How to use it is by applying alum on the armpits. Previously, soak alum for a while in warm water. Before using, make sure the selected alum has a smooth surface, because if the alum surface is lustrous it can cause friction and skin irritation.

7. Tea tree oil

The last way to deal with armpits is to use tea tree. This essential oil has many benefits, one of which is that it can whiten underarms. Mix a few drops of tea tree with water, then spray it on the underarms. Do it after every shower or clean yourself.

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