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Factors Causing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

What is CTS? Namely Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, which is a pinched condition of the median nerve at the wrist caused by swelling in the carpal tunnel, while the carpal tunnel is a narrow pathway formed by the muscle and bone ligaments located at the base of the wrist. In this chapter there is the median nerve as well as the tendon that controls the movement of the fingers which separates the bones of the wrist from the surrounding soft tissue.

is a pinched condition of the median nerve at the wrist caused by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

While the median nerve is the nerve that crosses between the palm of the hand to the lower arm, has the function of carrying a sensation as well as a touch of taste on the surface of the hand. These nerves are also used to control the movement of muscles to move the thumb. There are several things that are a factor in the presence of Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, namely:

1. Hereditary Factors

It turns out that CTS can occur and can be experienced by people who have ancestors or have genetic descendants from someone who has CTS, the risk of experiencing CTS is greater than people who do not have a family who has CTS.

2. Gender

Women have smaller carpal tunnel than men, so women are more at greater risk of developing CTS.

3. Ankle Injury

People who have ankle injuries such as sprains, fractured bones and other conditions that can cause swelling will experience more severe CTS.

4. Work and activities that involve more hands

People who have activities involving hands such as gripping with force, doing repetitive hand movements and involving strong vibrations can cause CTS.

5. Pregnancy

People who are pregnant have CTS, but this condition will resolve on its own after the baby is born. In addition, people who have diseases such as diabetes, obesity, chemotherapy and hypothyroidism also have a great chance of developing CTS. Symptoms of CTS that you can feel are the presence of a numb sensation in the fingers at night, also the presence of pain in the hands, the hands are less sensitive to touch, the occurrence of dry skin and the ability to lift things. Get treatment as soon as possible.

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