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Healthy Lifestyle Inspiration

Recently, the hashtag #FriendshipHealthy is booming in social media, especially Instagram. The originators of this hashtag, some of which are celebrities Dian Sastrowardoyo and Adinia Wirasti . What is the meaning of this increasingly popular hashtag? Come on, find out!

some of them are celebrities Healthy Lifestyle Inspiration

The hashtag #FriendshipHealthy is a community that gathers sports and health lovers. It started as a mere fad, when Dian Sastrowardoyo, Adinia Wirasti, Viga Nasution, Iwet Ramadhan, Jaclyn, Rio, Reina and Hakim gathered and had a morning run together. They didn't forget to take photos of the sports activities to upload to their social accounts with the hashtag #FriendshipHealthy .

In response to the hashtag, the public gave a concrete response by re-uploading their photos while exercising accompanied by the hashtag # Healthy friends . Gradually a healthy community was formed in cyberspace, which has now reached 31 thousand followers on Instagram in just a short period of time.

Create togetherness for a healthy life

Not only gathering on social media, this community also consistently carries out joint sports activities at Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) and the Car Free Day area. For those who want to join, the way is easy, just follow social media #FriendshipHealthy, and of course upload your photo with the hashtag.

Besides you can receive information about sports that you want to do together, #FriendshipHealthy will also share tips about exercise and healthy eating. More than that, this group is also able to revive the spirit and motivation to maintain health and fitness through sporting events such as, muay thai, pool dance, pilates and others.

In accordance with their quote, "because for us, exercise is always merrier to do with friends," they always help out exercising. When they exercise together, they become even more enthusiastic about living a healthy lifestyle.

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