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The Expensive Formula Milk Can't Beat Breast Milk

In the first six months of life, babies should get breast milk (ASI) privately. Because formula milk as expensive as any will not be able to replace breast milk.

Because formula milk, no matter how expensive it is, can't replace breast milk. Expensive formula milk can't beat breast milk

“Age 0-6 months give only breast milk, exclusive breastfeeding. Don't give water either," ordered Dr. Attila Dewanti, SpA, in the Milna 1st Bite Campaign in Senayan City, Jl Asia Afrika, South Jakarta.

"The most expensive formula (formula milk) also cannot replace breast milk," added Dr. Attila.

Dr. Attila has also heard the recommendation for banana protection when the baby is 3 months old. If you hear the suggestion, please ignore it. Because a 3 month old baby doesn't need a banana. "Alright, just breastfeed. Breast milk has been the best," he added.

Regarding the protection of breast milk, Minister of Health Nila F Moeloek some time later said that there was an increase in the prevalence of breastfeeding mothers, which according to the results of the Lancet Breastfeeding Series study had reached 65 percent. This number increased compared to the 2013 Basic Health Research data with 38 percent.

Exclusive breastfeeding not only minimizes time because you don't need to be busy pouring and stirring milk, but also helps create quality young people with good mentality.

The World Health Organization (WHO) also revealed that breast milk is useful for making the baby's body easier to fight viruses, avoiding allergies and illness, and being able to increase children's IQ. Breast milk has offered almost all the nutrients needed for babies to grow and develop well. With the many benefits of being proficient in breastfeeding, don't be discouraged by offering breast milk for your little one, Mom and Dad!

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