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Strong Stress On Women's Health

The figure of a woman who is gentle and seems weak is indeed very vulnerable to what is called stress. Compared to men, women are more complex in living life in the world. There are many things that must be carried out and thought about by a woman, while often unfavorable circumstances cause factors why women are more easily stressed than men .

who are gentle and seem weak are indeed very vulnerable to what is called stress Stress Affects Women's Health

The expression that says that women are multitasking cannot be denied, women must be good housewives, take care of their husbands, children, and other household matters, not to mention if the woman also has routine activities that must be carried out such as work, and The most important thing is that women are very sensitive creatures.

Sensitive here is meant when women are unable to ignore what is happening around them, many women try to be rigid with indifference to problems-dilemmas that they should not think about.

But deep in their hearts and minds, they can't let these dilemmas go and try to forget them? Sometimes women really don't want to be with men, they tend to equalize with men by trying to do many things that can elevate women to be equal to men.

However, most women are not strong enough with these self-imposed conditions until the stress is over. Stress experienced by women themselves can last in a short and long time span. Short-term stress is temporary stress due to a small problem but as a result you are able to solve it.

Long-term stress or often called chronic stress is stress that will recur when you have problems in your life, this type of stress can cause heart disease, high blood pressure, sleeplessness, and a strong influence in pregnancy.

Most women do not realize if they are actually under stress, they tend to force themselves to fight the condition that should be resolved quickly. To get away from things that are not expected, it's good if you know the signs of stress that you may be feeling.

Signs that you are under stress are difficulty sleeping at night without argument, besides that you will also find it difficult to focus and feel physically and assume you are in a different area, stomachaches and headaches are also signs of frustration experienced by women. , thus creating excessive anxiety.

There are many things that trigger stress in us. Loss is the main cause of the stress you experience, for example, you just lost someone you really love.

When you expect a lot from that person and you have to accept the fact that that person is gone, it's like hoping for something that will never happen. You need time to get to the bottom of the fact that your partner is gone. Sometimes you can't accept reality and make you hallucinate if the person you love is still on our side.

Expectations that are contrary to reality are painful, and they will cause you to think until it causes you stress. Having a dream is beautiful, but you also have to adapt your dream to your condition. You can hope and aspire high, but you must be prepared to take risks if you can't achieve your dreams. If you are not classified as a strong person, it's good if you see your situation first before hoping.

The economic situation is also a trigger for your stress, the needs are increasingly mounting but you are still stagnant and do not even have more income. Whether you want it or not, you still have to fulfill these needs.

The hard work you put in can pay off, and if you don't you can just get stressed. Panic is also a stressor, if you should be able to think clearly when you face a problem, then when you are anxious what you think is only excessive fear and anxiety that does not solve the problem and tends to make you stressed.

How to Cope with Stress in Women

who are gentle and seem weak are indeed very vulnerable to what is called stress Stress Affects Women's Health

Coping with stress experienced by women must start with yourself before your environment hypnotizes you. As a woman, you definitely want to look good in the eyes of others, especially your husband, but you also have to observe your own situation.

You can take care of all your household matters as well as work that really takes up your time, but you should also take time to relax and refresh your mind.

Make your life comparable, don't just weigh things that add to your burden, you also need time to have fun. Going to play with friends on social gathering or just going to the salon to pamper yourself is quite helpful.

Too many commitments make you nervous to control your time and carry it out, if you really can't, you should dare to say no. It's for your health and avoid the stress that threatens.

Taking the time to take part in aerobic exercise can also minimize the stress you suffer. Endorphin exercises that are believed to be able to relieve pain in your body and relieve stress are very good for you to do at least once a week.

Try to get out of your daily routine at least once a week to refresh your thinking. The routine that you do every day will make you bored and stress in return, but if you alternate it with other fun activities it will help you minimize stress.

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